Kıskaçlı Ekskavatör

Excavators with grapples are powerful attachments that transform standard excavators into versatile material handling machines. Ideal for a variety of tasks, including YIKIM, land clearing, and recycling, these grapples are essential for efficient and effective operations on job sites.

Ekskavatör Kıskaç Çeşitleri

  1. Mekanik Kıskaçlar:
    • These rugged attachments are built for handling bulky materials such as logs, rocks, debris, and waste. They offer reliable gripping power and are designed for heavy-duty use.
  2. Hidrolik Kıskaçlar:
    • Hydraulic grapples enhance the efficiency of material handling tasks. With their powerful hydraulic systems, they provide precise control and increased grip strength, making them perfect for demolition and sorting materials.
  3. Dönen Kıskaçlar:
    • These advanced grapples can rotate, allowing for greater flexibility and precision in handling materials. They are particularly useful for tasks that require maneuverability, such as sorting debris or placing materials accurately.
  4. Mini Ekskavatör Kıskaçlar:
    • Designed for smaller excavators, these attachments offer similar functionality but are scaled down for tight spaces and lighter tasks, making them ideal for landscaping and smaller construction projects.

Key Benefits of Using Excavators with Grapples

  • Çok Yönlülük: Grapples can handle a wide range of materials, from logs and rocks to hurda metal and debris, making them suitable for various industries including forestry, construction, and recycling.
  • Artan Verimlilik: The use of grapples reduces the time and labor needed for material handling. Their hydraulic power allows for swift and effective operations, streamlining processes on job sites.
  • Geliştirilmiş Güvenlik: By minimizing manual handling of heavy and hazardous materials, grapples enhance safety for operators and workers on-site.

Önde Gelen Üreticiler

Several manufacturers offer high-quality excavator grapples, ensuring durability and performance:

  • Caterpillar: Known for their robust kıskaç attachments, Cat provides versatile solutions for grappling logs, brush, and other materials.
  • Rotobec: Specializing in advanced grapple designs, Rotobec offers solutions for land clearing, forestry, and demolition tasks.
  • HAWK Ekskavatör: Offers a range of hydraulic and mechanical grapples, emphasizing durability and reliability for handling bulky materials.
  • Epiroc: Provides hydraulic grapples designed for sorting, loading, and demolition, with options for rotation and tilt for enhanced functionality.


Excavators equipped with grapples are invaluable tools in the construction, demolition, and recycling industries. Their ability to handle a variety of materials efficiently makes them essential for improving productivity and safety on job sites. Whether you’re looking to invest in new equipment or explore rental options, excavators with grapples offer a robust solution for your material handling needs.

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